
$500,000 in Matching Funds Pledged

AUBURN – Gold Country Wildlife Rescue (GCWR) is thrilled to announce the pledge of $500,000 in matching funds by one of its most dedicated donors towards its million-dollar capital campaign, New digs for Gold Country Wildlife Rescue, a ranch for wildlife’s second chance. The purpose of this campaign, the biggest in GCWR history, is to fund the purchase of a much-needed permanent facility to handle the constantly increasing demands of the 3,500 orphaned, injured, and other at-risk wildlife handled annually by GCWR.

credit: Don Metzner

Every year GCWR receives and treats thousands of wild animals. Over the last few years there has been a marked increase in the number of animals brought for care, as well as in the severity of the animals’ injuries. This has resulted in a requirement for more extensive and continuous care along with longer rehabilitation times. Because of this not only is space for critical care treatment necessary, but also for large outdoor enclosures that are needed to provide the room for animals to heal before their return to the wild. For all of these reasons, as well as to maximize the impact of each dollar spent on the care of at-risk animals, the GCWR Board of Directors is seeking to fund a permanent facility owned by the organization.

Interested in Getting Involved?

This $500,000 matching gift is huge and unprecedented; so huge that it exceeds GCWR’s current annual budget. Those interested in contributing to the purchase of this facility should visit
Gold Country Wildlife Rescue is a 501c3 Corporation, with headquarters at 11251 B Avenue, Auburn, CA. Its services are provided free to the community, 365 days per year, without the benefit of any government funding. All donations are tax deductible.

Gold Country Wildlife Rescue is a 501c3 Corporation, with headquarters at 11251 B Avenue, Auburn, CA. Its services are provided free to the community, 365 days per year, without the benefit of any government funding. All donations are tax deductible.

About Gold Country Wildlife Rescue

GCWR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured and orphaned wildlife, with headquarters at 11251 B Avenue, Auburn, CA.. We are permitted by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and the US Fish & Wildlife Service. We have been serving the local community since 1991. Its services are provided free to the community, 365 days per year, without the benefit of any government funding. All donations are tax deductible.

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