New California Laws 2024: Part 3
Sacramento, Calif.- Part 3 in New California Laws for 2024 includes laws currently chaptered in the 2023-24 legislative session. This installment includes laws on assault weapons, food safety, voting ballots, hate crimes, domestic violence, student safety, and more.
For full and specific text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to theย California Legislatureย official releases.
New California Laws 2024 (part 3)
BILL | Brief Description |
AB-349 | Patton State Hospital: lease: housing and mental health services for homeless individuals. |
AB-350 | Regional transportation plans: Sacramento Area Council of Governments. |
AB-352 | Health information. |
AB-353 | Incarcerated persons: access to showers. |
AB-354 | Sacramento Regional Transit District: board of directors: membership. |
AB-355 | Firearms: assault weapons: exception for peace officer training. |
AB-356 | California Environmental Quality Act: aesthetic impacts. |
AB-357 | Animal test methods: alternatives. |
AB-358 | Community college districts: student housing. |
AB-360 | Excited delirium. |
AB-361 | Vehicles: photographs of bicycle lane parking violations. |
AB-363 | Pesticides: neonicotinoids for nonagricultural use: reevaluation: control measures. |
AB-368 | College and Career Access Pathways partnerships. |
AB-370 | Pupil instruction: State Seal of Biliteracy. |
AB-373 | Intersession programs: foster children and homeless youth: priority access. |
AB-386 | California Right to Financial Privacy Act. |
AB-389 | Native American repatriation: California Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 2001: California State University. |
AB-391 | Child abuse and neglect: nonmandated reporters. |
AB-393 | Childcare: dual language learners. |
AB-398 | Voting: replacement ballots. |
AB-399 | Water Ratepayers Protections Act of 2023: County Water Authority Act: exclusion of territory: procedure. |
AB-400 | Local agency design-build projects: authorization. |
AB-402 | Weeds: Broomrape Program. |
AB-410 | Shared mobility devices. |
AB-413 | Vehicles: stopping, standing, and parking. |
AB-414 | Communications: Digital Equity Bill of Rights. |
AB-416 | Sale of shochu. |
AB-417 | County boards of education: pupil members. |
AB-418 | The California Food Safety Act. |
AB-421 | Elections: referendum measures. |
AB-424 | Neurodegenerative disease registry. |
AB-425 | Medi-Cal: pharmacogenomic testing. |
AB-426 | Unlicensed residential foster care facilities: temporary placement management. |
AB-427 | Otay Mesa East Toll Facility Act: alternative project delivery method. |
AB-434 | Housing element: notice of violation. |
AB-436 | Vehicles. |
AB-439 | School facilities: task order procurement contracting: Los Angeles Unified School District. |
AB-443 | Peace officers: determination of bias. |
AB-446 | Pupil instruction: handwriting. |
AB-447 | Public postsecondary education: students with disabilities: inclusive college programs. |
AB-449 | Hate crimes: law enforcement policies. |
AB-451 | Insurance: license examinations. |
AB-452 | Childhood sexual assault: statute of limitations. |
AB-454 | California Rice Commission: board membership: referendum. |
AB-455 | Firearms: prohibited persons. |
AB-458 | Shared mobility devices: insurance. |
AB-461 | Student safety: fentanyl test strips. |
AB-466 | Vehicles: violations. |
AB-467 | Domestic violence: restraining orders. |
AB-470 | Continuing medical education: physicians and surgeons. |
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