“Forever” is a daunting amount of time, yet supporters of Placer Land Trust fully embrace the challenge in their commitment to protecting our important landscapes in perpetuity.
Placer Land Trust, a nonprofit dedicated to working with willing landowners and the community to permanently protect lands in Placer County, established the Natural Wonders Forever Endowment Fund at Placer Community Foundation in 2011. The endowment is designed to provide sustainable, financial support to manage and steward protected land … forever. Earlier this month the endowment fund received a generous boost of $17,050 from 67 different individuals and families who take the meaning of “forever” seriously.
The funds were raised at Placer Land Trust’s annual fundraising dinner in October honoring the distinguished 30-year career of Loren Clark and his legacy of land conservation in Placer County. A special auction was held at the dinner to raise funds for the Natural Wonders Forever Endowment Fund, which was kicked off by a compelling speech by 18-year old Lauren Hamilton Kaminsky of Newcastle.
“I’m grateful that Placer Land Trust protects land like my family’s farm and gorgeous open spaces,” Lauren said. “Preserving land in this way gives me peace of mind that some wild and agricultural land will be saved for my future children and grandchildren to enjoy as I have.”
Endowment funds are essential to maintaining good works over generations. Individual gifts are pooled in the fund for maximum benefit and invested to achieve long-term capital growth. The result is a perpetual source of revenue to support Placer Land Trust’s natural and agricultural land protection and stewardship in Placer County.
“This endowment fund continues to grow over time with investments from the community,” said Jeff Darlington, Executive Director of Placer Land Trust. “I was blown away by the generous donations at the auction, and I want to thank everyone who has supported this effort to protect our rural heritage and quality of life, forever.”
The Placer Community Foundation and Placer Land Trust are long-time partners in promoting quality of life in the region, working together on philanthropic projects such as the Auburn School Park Preserve and the 1,773-acre Bruin Ranch on the Bear River.
“Our community relies on the steadfast efforts of Placer Land Trust,” states Larry Welch, Chairman of the Board for Placer Community Foundation. “People of all ages access their trails and year-round they are struck by the beauty of the natural landscapes they work to permanently preserve. Placer Community Foundation is proud to be a conduit for people directing their philanthropy for this important cause.”
To make a tax-deductible donation to Placer Land Trust’s Natural Wonders Forever Fund today or through your estate plan, visit www.placercf.org or call the Placer Community Foundation at (530) 885.4920.