Wednesday, February 12, 2025
39.5 F

Placer Conservation Authority takes step toward securing 4,245 acres of land easement acquisitions north of Lincoln

Auburn, Calif. - Approximately 4,245 acres of prime farmland, natural open space and environmental resources north of Lincoln is a step closer to being secured in perpetuity as part of the Placer County Conservation Program.

Boot Juice and Blü Egyptian in Auburn at Foothills Fillmore Feb 22

Auburn, Calif.- Keep Smilin' Promotions is bringing the much sought after Boot Juice to the Foothill Fillmore. The co-billed event also includes Blü Egyptian which has been described as "somewhere where Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, Joe Satriani & Buckethead are all infused in a Talking Heads state of mind."

Placer County takes action to preserve Vista Ranch

Lincoln, Calif. - A 279-acre property of blue oak woodlands along the south shore of Camp Far West Reservoir and the Bear River north of Lincoln is a step closer to being added to the Placer County Conservation Program.

Placer County and Marin County share much in common despite differing political affinities

Roseville, Calif. - There are many factors that determine those tangible and intangible things that make for best places to live lists. Be it geography, weather, education, or other amenities on your checklist, those marketing and PR compilations citing "best places"

February 2025 Update Placer County’s Shifting Electorate

Roseville, Calif. - Placer County, long a bastion of conservatism in California continues to change. In the process, the region has evolved to to become more diverse, educated, and dramatically more prosperous.

Placer County selling surplus equipment online

Auburn, Calif.- In 2012, Placer County began a program to sell used surplus equipment through two online vendors. Contracting with these services helps the county reduce its overflow of used equipment currently filling the county's lone warehouse.

Roseville to Kings Beach: Free tax help for eligible individuals & families in Placer

Auburn, Calif. - Get free help filing your taxes in 2025! Placer County Health and Human Services, in partnership with the IRS and United Way, offers free tax assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

Roseville & Placer County Farmers’ Market Schedule

Roseville, Calif.- If you enjoy farmers markets, Roseville & Auburn are among the year-round destinations to grab a hot cup of coffee along with some fresh produce, baked goods and more. Personal faves include Mahany Park and Old Town Auburn.