Green Means Go

Capital Region projected to grow 25%

(City of Roseville Guest Contribution)
Roseville, CA- Across the state, California continues to face a housing crisis that affects everyone.

Roseville and other local communities are doing what we can to combat the different factors that affect this nationwide problem, but despite individual community efforts, the problem continues.

Green Means Go is a four-year pilot program being considered by the state legislature to provide funding to accelerate new housing opportunities and cleaner transportation options in our area.

⤹ Sacramento Oct 18- 20, 2024 ⤸

⤹ Sacramento Oct 18- 20, 2024 ⤸

⤹ Sacramento Oct 18- 20, 2024 ⤸

⤹ Sacramento Oct 18- 20, 2024 ⤸

As we plan as a region for new housing, jobs, and overall growth, it is important to remember that there is an opportunity to build smarter. We need more housing and more jobs – but where they get built is important for the quality of life of people living and working there.

We want shorter commutes, less congestion, better air quality, good health, and less frustration, so we need to build with the understanding of how people will travel to and from their homes, jobs, schools, and entertainment.

To achieve these goals, we must grow together and remember that people don’t live exclusively within the boundaries of their individual city or county.

The Capital Region is projected to grow by about 25% by 2040. It cannot be ignored. That means each community has a role to play in infill development and transportation projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Together we can continue to make Roseville resilient and successful, by taking advantage of existing opportunities in our downtowns, our existing commercial corridors, and our cherished main streets.

This multi-pronged approach will help us meet the ambitious reduction in greenhouse gas emissions the state has set for our region while meeting the needs of existing and future residents.

This program is not focused simply on making urban cores denser, rather it’s about looking at communities like Roseville where there are existing building sites on commercial corridors that could be used better to promote economic activity.

But the costs of such projects are daunting.

Green Means Go will make a clear difference in South Placer while also helping the state identify how to best make the transportation and housing investments needed to meet the urgent housing and climate challenges.

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