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At 3:03 a.m. June 6, officers responded to an alarm and a resident’s call about suspicious noises at Eich Middle School, on the old Sierra Gardens Elementary part of their campus.ย 

Officers found a broken window in a door in the multipurpose room, and they contacted a group of eight young people. 

The three adults in the group, a 25-year-old man from Roseville, and two 18-year-old men, both from Roseville, were arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary, contributing to the delinquency of minors, and other related charges.  Five juveniles, ages 16-17, were cited and released to parents.

Policeย often see an increase in burglaries and damage to school property during the summer months and suggest that ifย you live near a school campus, please keep an eye out andย to call policeย immediately if you see any trespassers or other suspicious activity.

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