New California Laws

New California Laws 2023: Part 21

Sacramento, Calif.- Part 21 in New California Laws for 2023. This installment includes Veterans, agricultural land, local planning, corporate conversions, Presidential Electors Act and more.

For full text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.


AB-2955Worker classification: commercial fishing industry.
AB-2957Local government: reorganization.
AB-2958State Bar of California.
AB-2959Childhood sexual assault: claims.
AB-2960Judiciary omnibus.
AB-2961Civil procedure: electronic filing and service.
AB-2963Veterans: California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Advisory Committee.
AB-2964Agricultural land conservation: California Farmland Conservancy Program Act.
AB-2965California Environmental Quality Act: administrative and judicial procedures.
AB-2966Conservation easements: forest lands: California Conservation Corps.
AB-2967Elections: petition records and requests: vote-by-mail ballot.
AB-2969Horse racing: out-of-state thoroughbred races: Blue Grass Stakes: pension plan or program.
AB-2971Alcoholic beverage control: fees.
AB-2972California Business Investment Services Program.
AB-2973Postsecondary education: omnibus bill.
AB-2974Small Business Procurement and Contract Act: federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding.
SB-6Local planning: housing: commercial zones.
SB-20Student nutrition: eligibility for CalFresh benefits.
SB-34Public contracts: authorized agent: limitations.
SB-38Beverage containers.
SB-45Short-lived climate pollutants: organic waste reduction goals: local jurisdiction assistance.
SB-49Corporate conversions.
SB-53Unsolicited images.
SB-54Solid waste: reporting, packaging, and plastic food service ware.
SB-103Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act.
SB-107Gender-affirming health care.
SB-113Economic relief: COVID-19 pandemic.
SB-114Employment: COVID-19: supplemental paid sick leave.
SB-115Budget Act of 2021.

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New California Laws

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