RJUHSD news updates

RJUHSD Updates for February 2023

Roseville, Calif.- We are quickly moving forward in our spring term, and there is a lot going on at Roseville Joint Union High School District in February.

This month we commemorate School Counselors Week, which is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the amazing contributions of school counselors all over the nation – and especially right here at RJUHSD! I want to offer a special thanks to each and every one of our counselors who guides students in planning their futures and encourages them to dream big.

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations are in order for RJUHSD’s two Teachers of The Year, Adriana Brooks (English Teacher at Roseville High School) and Mike Morales (Math and PE Teacher at Pathways High School)! The individual contributions of these educators to their school sites and students make our district very proud. We hope you’ll join us in cheering them on as they move on to be considered for Placer County Teacher of The Year. That winner will then go on to represent Placer County in California’s State Teacher of The Year. Congratulations!

I also want to take a moment to praise our valued bus drivers, who play a crucial role in the day-to-day lives of our students. Bus Driver Appreciation Day takes place on February 22, and I hope you’ll all join me in thanking these dedicated men and women.


Finally, we want to touch on the bullying that continues to be an area of concern throughout the state and across the country. We need your help with continuing to create schools in our community to be places of care, kindness, and compassion. We are counting on YOU – parents, students and community members – to continue to make our communities truly special learning environments for all students.

John Becker - RJUHSD

As a community I believe we can focus on kindness, acceptance and inclusion to foster positive school cultures in our district. Here are a few ways we can all take part:

  • If you see someone being bullied, harassed, or intimidated, find an adult who can help
  • Be quick to listen and slow to speak
  • Treat others with respect and kindness
  • Don’t use social media to send negative messages about others
  • If you don’t have something good or kind to say, don’t say anything at all
  • Speak with your parent/guarding or trusted adult about any bullying you are experiencing or witnessing
  • Use the RJUHSD See Something, Say Something link on your school’s website for additional help and support

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to build a strong, uplifting campus and community.

On a lighter note, we have some upcoming days off this month for Presidents Week, and I hope you all enjoy a little winter respite while remembering some of the great leaders in our country’s history.

John Becker, RJUHSD Superintendent

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