Roseville, Calif. – Placer Veterans Stand Down (PVSD) will provide services to the veteran community May 6-9, 2024, at @the Grounds in Placer County. Services will begin May 7 and include free medical, dental, hearing, and vision care, DMV, child support, and other legal services for veterans, their spouses, and dependents.

Optional early check-in will be available Monday, May 6, from 3 to 7 p.m. Veterans are welcome to spend the night on Monday evening so they are ready to begin services Tuesday morning, May 7, at 8 a.m. Services will be offered only on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 9 and 10. Veterans are encouraged to register online or by calling 916.251.9249.

“One-stop shop for the veteran community”

“We offer a one-stop shop for the veteran community to receive much-needed, safe medical care,” said Robert Hipwell, PVSD volunteer and Brigadier General (R), U.S. Army. Thanks to our army of volunteers and service providers, we are able to meet a wide array of needs, often changing lives in one day.”

The event will include medical and legal services, pet services, PTSD counseling, clothing, personal care supplies, and VA benefits assistance.

How you can help

PVSD also invites community members to support the event as volunteers to serve meals, distribute clothing, help with security, and various other roles. In-kind service donations and monetary donations are also welcome and appreciated.

Placer Veterans Stand Down event flyer
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