The Placer County Board of Supervisors signed a proclamation that August is “Child Support Awareness Month” in the County of Placer.
During the month of August, the Placer County Department of Child Support Services will focus on highlighting the importance of having both parents involved in their children’s lives, and the responsibility of providing what children need to be successful. “Child Support Awareness Month” is also a time to salute the parents who work hard to make sure their children have what they need to succeed.
Child support provides the basic necessities for children such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical coverage. When children can count on their parents for the financial and medical support they require, their future becomes brighter. In state fiscal year 2011/2012, the Placer County Department of Child Support Services collected over $20 million dollars for families. The majority of the money collected by the department is sent directly into the homes of the families that we serve; the remaining is sent to the state to recoup public assistance expenses. The money sent directly to families allows parents to better provide for their children and, in many cases, it provides them the opportunity to stop receiving public assistance money.
“We are thankful to have the support of the Placer County Board of Supervisors in proclaiming the month of August as “Child Support Awareness Month.” By bringing attention to the program, it allows the department to educate people in the community about the valuable services provided for the benefit of children”, said Troy Held, Director of the Department of Child Support Services.
Child support services are available to any parent, guardian, or caretaker regardless of income. The local child support agency offers services such as establishing parentage (paternity), establishing and enforcing child and medical support orders, providing accurate accounting, and locate services.