Wednesday, January 15, 2025
62 F

Rocklin History

Where did Rocklin come from?

Our city's name first appeared in print in June 1864 when 'Rocklin' was listed in a Central Pacific Railroad timetable as a stop between Junction (now Roseville) and Pino (now Loomis). But how did the name, 'Rocklin', originate?

Rocklin landmark, Saint Mary’s through the years

Rocklin, Calif.- In 1882 John Bolton, the Irish land developer who plotted Rocklin's original town site, donated an oak-framed lot to Rocklin's Catholics for our City's first Catholic Church. Construction started shortly after the

Rocklin History Tour – Railroad Depot

Rocklin, Calif.- Rocklin's railroad depot is on Rocklin Road at the corner of Railroad Avenue, next to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The City of Rocklin built it in 2007 to beautify Rocklin's blighted railroad corridor

Rocklin History Tour – Clover Valley Bridge

Rocklin History Tour - Clover Valley Bridge spans Clover Valley Creek in Clover Valley Park. It is the largest of the twelve granite bridges on the road that connected

Major Professional Golf in Rocklin

The year was 1964. Lyndon Johnson promised a quick victory in Vietnam and was elected President over Barry Goldwater. Arnold Palmer won the Masters for what turned out to be the last time. Rocklin's population was about 1,600

Twelve Bridges: The Final Bridge Discovered at Catta Verdera?

Has the mysterious 12th bridge of Twelve Bridges finally been discovered?

Rocklin History Tour – Copp’s Quarry

Rocklin History Tour - To visit Copp's Quarry walk about an eighth mile north on the paved footpath near the east end of

Rocklin History Tour – Pyramid Tomb

Rocklin History Tour - Joel Parker Whitney's Pyramid Tomb near the 11th green of the Whitney Oaks Golf Course.

Rocklin History Tour – Joel Parker Whitney’s Oaks Mansion

Rocklin History Tour - This plaque marks the location of Joel Parker Whitney's, now demolished, three story, 20 room Oaks mansion.

Rocklin History Tour – Brigham and Hawes Quarry

Rocklin History Tour - Brigham and Hawes Quarry is on the west side of Pacific Street behind the tire store near the corner of Pacific Street and Farron.

Rocklin History Tour – Quinn Quarry

Rocklin History Tour - Quinn Quarry is on Winding Lane about 200 yards west of South Grove Street

Rocklin History Tour – Rocklin Cemetery

Rocklin History Tour - Rocklin Cemetery is at the corner of South Grove and Kannasto Streets

Rocklin History Tour – Huff’s Spring

Rocklin History Tour - Huff's Spring. This spring is at the north end of Johnson Springview Park 200 yards east of the Springview Middle School soccer field.

Rocklin History Tour – Victorian Homes

Rocklin History Tour- These three homes are near the Wickman - Johnson white farmhouse at the corner of Rocklin Road and Fifth Street. They stand out in the neighborhood by their Victorian design.

Rocklin History Tour – Wickman-Johnson Home

Rocklin History Tour Wickman-Johnson Home - This white farmhouse is at 5200 5th Street at the west end of Rocklin Road.

Rocklin History Tour – Barudoni Building

The Barudoni Building is at 5250 Front Street, across from the Old Saint Mary's Chapel. Meat broker Joseph Barudoni built it in 1905 as a meat market, with an office for Doctor Woodbridge on the second floor.

Rocklin History Tour – Old St. Mary’s Chapel

The Old Saint Mary's Chapel is at 5251 Front Street. It is the centerpiece of Heritage Park which is a joint project of the City of Rocklin and the Rocklin Historical Society

Rocklin History Tour – Roundhouse Site

Rocklin Roundhouse Site -Rocklin's roundhouse was at the intersection of Front Street and Rocklin Road east of today's Crossroads Church

Rocklin History Tour – Capitol Quarry

Rocklin Capitol Quarry - This granite quarry is behind the city office building at 3970 Rocklin road. To get the best view of the quarry pit, go to the second floor exterior stairwell landing of that office building.

Rocklin History Tour – Rocklin History Museum

The Rocklin History Museum is at 3895 Rocklin Road at the corner of San Francisco Street and is our 4th stop along the Rocklin History Tour.

Rocklin History Tour – Rocklin City Hall

Rocklin City Hall. This historic building is at 3980 Rocklin Road. Adolf Pernu, owner of Rocklin's early twentieth-century California Granite Company quarry, built it as

Rocklin History Tour – Finn Hall

Finn Hall is at the corner of South Grove and Rocklin Road. It is the most visible reminder of Rocklin's once dominant Finnish culture.

Ansel Adams photos languishing at Crocker Musuem

In the late 1950s and early 1960s Sunset International Petroleum Corporation bought up the southern 12,000 acres of Joel...

Rocklin Hose Company Number One

In the early 1890s, demand for Rocklin's light-gray granite building stone grew steadily and Rocklin's quarries were at peak...

Whence Came the Altar Stone

Rocklin, Calif. - The Rocklin Historical Society is restoring a 124 year old church on Front Street in downtown...

Oskari’s Journey

Eighteen-year-old Oskari left Russian-ruled Finland and came to New York in 1891. He was one of 350,000 Finns who came to America escaping Finland's harsh political and economic conditions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Huff Spring- Rocklin History Brief

Huff spring was a widely known Rocklin curiosity and source of clean drinking water in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. But it is obscured by bulrush now,

A Twenty Minute Tour of Rocklin History

The Rocklin History Museum is open from 1 pm until 4 pm on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. If you are in the mood for Rocklin's history at other times, try this 20 minute tour of two sites which were important to Rocklin's role as the Sacrament

Rocklin’s 19th Century Chinatown

The Central Pacific completed major construction on the eastbound leg of the transcontinental railroad by 1869, and by 1876 a few of the railroad's 14,000 Chinese construction workers had settled in Rocklin.

Whitney Plaques Rocklin History Brief

At a lantern-lit pre-Halloween ceremony on October 30, The Rocklin Historical Society placed a granite plaque of identification at the Whitney family tomb near Rocklin's Monument Park.