Highway 65

Relieving traffic congestion during peak times

Rocklin, CA- The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will activate 3 new ramp meters and adjust metering times on 4 existing ramp meters in Rocklin and Lincoln to help relieve congestion and allow safe merging during high traffic demand periods.

The new ramp meters are tentatively scheduled to be activated on March 1, 2021. The metering hours will be based on traffic demand and will activate anytime when minimum traffic thresholds are met. The ramp meters will be active every day including weekends and holidays. To help alert the public of the changes, the meters will be set to rest in green on February 22, 2021.

Highway 65 Ramp Meter Changes

The following new ramp meters will be activated on Highway 65:

  • WB Ferrari Ranch Road to SB 65 (Loop)

The following new ramp meters will be activated on Highway 80:

  • SB Siena College Blvd. to WB I-80 (Slip)
  • NB Siena College Blvd. to WB I-80 (Loop)

The following existing ramp meters on northbound  SR 65 will have adjustments to their original metering  times:

  • EB Sunset Blvd. to NB SR 65 (Loop)
  • WB Sunset Blvd. to NB SR 65 (Slip)
  • WB Ferrari Ranch Road to NB SR 65 (Slip)
  • WB Whitney Ranch Pkwy to NB SR 65 (Slip)
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