Facing increasing pressure Mayor Dominic Foppoli Officially Resigns
Windsor, California – At-large Mayor Dominic Foppoli officially submitted his resignation from office effective (May 24, 2021).
The Town Council is expected to officially acknowledge the resignation at their next regular meeting on June 2, 2021. Foppoli’s email was sent to Town Manager Ken MacNab.
“We are relieved to have this negative and tragic chapter behind us. The residents of Windsor deserve the complete focus of the At-large Mayor and the Town Council on the many vitally important matters we face,” said Town Manager Ken MacNab. “This has been a distraction, to say the least. We can now turn to helping everyone who has been impacted by these allegations to heal.”
Town officials, in consultation with outside legal counsel, will soon be presenting options to the Town Council regarding filling the mayoral vacancy.
“We are relieved to have this negative and tragic chapter behind us.”
Town Manager Ken MacNab
MacNab announced three options available to the Town Council for the filling the vacancy:
- Appointing a seated Councilmember to serve for the remainder of the term of the elected Mayor. This would result in a vacant Councilmember seat and would be filled by one of the options below.
- Appoint a member of the public to serve the remainder of the term of the vacant Council seat. The options to do so include: (1) hold an application process and make an appointment from the applicant pool; (2) appoint a candidate from the recent May 4 special election; or (3) directly appoint an individual of Council’s choice.
- Hold a special election for voters to elect an individual to fill the remainder of the term of the vacant Council seat. This option would allow for any interested person to run for office and for the voters to select the replacement. The cost associated with holding an election would need to be determined and it is anticipated that the election could potentially take place in the latter part of 2021. The person elected would be in office for a year before their term expires.
Town of Windsor letter to Sonoma District Attorney regarding ongoing Criminal Investigation