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SACOG Salutes began in 1999 in an effort to recognize outstanding and innovative land-use, transportation and air quality planning, programs and activism throughout the six-county SACOG region.

The 2013 awards were presented on Thursday, December 12, 2013 during the SACOG Board Meeting.

2013 SACOG Salutes Award Winners

South Placer Transit Information Center – Regional Project of the Year

South Placer Transit Information Center serves over 345,000 residents in South Placer County by providing transit planning assistance and reservations for fixed-route, commuter, and dial-a-ride services at one phone number for five transit agencies. Service is available 7 days a week from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and translation is available in over 100 languages. Prior to its establishment, residents had tremendous difficulty making trips that crossed jurisdictional boundaries.

Blueprint Excellence (2 awards) – Township 9

Township 9 in the City of Sacramento has been a catalyst in a historically disconnected part of downtown Sacramento, it has created over 400 jobs, and supported the opening of North 7th Street for light rail, bicycles, and vehicles. The project is 65 acres that includes commercial, residential and retails uses located next to a light rail transit station. The project calls for mixed-income housing accommodating affordable and market rate housing through both attached apartments and single-family units, and 20 acres of parks and open space.

City of Sacramento

The Intermodal Station and the adoption of the Planning and Development Code exemplify local steps toward Blueprint implementation. The Planning and Development code incorporates many Blueprint principles that encourage walkability and transit-oriented development, encourage smart growth and infill, and create a more predictable permit process. The Intermodal Station, is an example of one jurisdiction planning for the region’s implementation of the Blueprint. It addresses multimodal travel connecting long-distance, regional, and commuter rail service, intercity and local bus service and light rail, bicycle and pedestrian needs, and park and ride facilities.

Caroline Peck – Citizen of the Year

Caroline has worked to educate neighbors, students, local electeds and business about the safety issues facing bicyclists on Freeport Boulevard in Sacramento. She formed a grassroots coalition called, Safety Along Freeport for Everyone (SAFFE) as a means to organize her resident education and outreach efforts. Her efforts have resulted in the City adopting a new plan for that segment of Freeport Boulevard with construction funding likely occurring in the next few years.

Feather River Air Quality Management District – Regional Organization of the Year

Feather River Air Quality Management District has been a critical and regular partner to Yuba-Sutter Transit by providing grants to fund several fleet expansions and upgrades including infrastructure improvements such as bus stop shelters and benches, passenger information panels, and the addition of bike racks on busses. In 2013, the District funded the highly successful $5 youth and senior monthly pass program and the purchase of new low-floor busses for fixed route service.

Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen – Regional Business of the Year

Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen is bicycle shop and learning center serving the residents of Sacramento. The organization was formed in order to promote cycling as a low-cost, alternative form of transportation; enable self-sufficiency through knowledge of bicycle maintenance; and promote bicycle safety through education and classes. The Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen is staffed solely with volunteers and is funded by donations and fundraising activities.

Mike Wiley, Sacramento Regional Transit – Employee of the Year

Mike Wiley believes in leading by example and listening to customers. He can frequently be found riding busses and light rail in order to talk with and hear directly from costumers on a wide range of issues. This year, he played a key leadership role in the development of legislation that would allow Federal Transit Administration funds to continue to flow to transit agencies across the state averting a funding crisis.

Girl Scout Troop 4240 – Mary Brill Youth Excellence

Girl Scout Troop 4240 worked with the Feather River Air Quality Management District to learn about the “School Flag Program” for air quality awareness. The Troop then made presentations to their school principal, teachers and student council to gain support and approval to implement the Schools Flag Program. Each day a member of the Troop raises a colored flag that corresponds with the day’s air quality. The Troop has implemented a plan for the continuation of the program for the 2014-15 school year when the last member of Troop 4240 graduates.

Sacramento Regional Fire/EMS Communications Center- Special Recognition – Collaboration

The Sacramento Regional Fire/EMS Communications Center dispatches all fire and medical calls in Sacramento County. This year, the Center’s Geographic Information Systems team championed innovative transportation solutions across multiple jurisdictions to enhance public safety. They began development of a single source map book for all agencies with regionalized data. This is a significant improvement for response times and aids in smart growth planning and siting for future fire stations to better meet the needs of residents. They are committed to making themselves available to share findings and aid in project replication and broader collaboration.

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