SMUD stocking Union Valley, Loon Lake and Ice House
As summer starts and folks get anxious to get out and enjoy the outdoors, SMUD is again stocking three Sierra reservoirs with rainbow trout.
The fish planting starts in June and runs into August. SMUD will stock 25,000 pounds of fish at Union Valley, Loon Lake and Ice House reservoirs in El Dorado County. The reservoirs are part of SMUD’s Upper American River Project (UARP), which provides about 15-20 percent of SMUD’s electricity demand in a typical year.
Surveys say fishing tops the reasons folks visit the Crystal Basin Recreational Area and the trout plants enhance angling opportunities for the public. On average, the stocked fish weigh almost two pounds and include some larger fish up to five pounds.
Trout planting scheduled
SMUD has scheduled six separate trout plantings. The largest of the three reservoirs, Union Valley, will get 9,400 pounds; Loon Lake, 8,100 pounds; and Ice House, 7,500 pounds. Mount Lassen Trout Farms of Payne’s Creek will deliver the fish.
SMUD proactively works to improve the quality of life in El Dorado County, where the electric utility owns and operates the Upper American River Project.
“We take great care of our facilities and partnerships in the UARP because it provides us with a critical carbon free power source,” said Ross Gould, director of power generation. “Not only is it economical, but it provides immense recreational opportunities for our region.”
Fishing licenses issued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife are available for purchase from more than 1,400 license agents throughout the state and can also be obtained online at