Sacramento Metro Chamber to lead delegation to D.C.
Sacramento, Calif. – The Sacramento Metro Chamber will lead a delegation of over 360 regional business, civic, and elected officials to Washington, D.C. April 14-18 to meet with federal representatives and advocate for policy change on behalf of the six-county Capital Region. It is the largest delegation of its kind in the country to visit the U.S. Capitol.
The Metro Chamber is focused on three critical issues for our region at this year’s Cap-to-Cap: workforce to fuel economic growth, infrastructure investment to build our future, and regulatory streamlining to encourage progress.
Mayor of West Sacramento Christopher Cabaldon and Mayor of Roseville Susan Rohan will serve as Honorary Vice Chairs for this year’s Capitol-to-Capitol (Cap-to-Cap) program.
“This year’s priority issues are intended to better position our region and to ensure our economic competitiveness,” said Roseville Mayor Susan Rohan. “In order to do so, we need federal support for infrastructure that moves our goods and people, a stable regulatory environment that does not impede on our region’s economic potential, and funding and support to provide our growing workforce with access to the resources they need.”
This is the 48th year for the Cap-to-Cap program. Each year participants representing a variety of industries throughout the Sacramento Region work in teams to establish priorities for residents and businesses to make asks of our federal representatives in Congress, the Administration, and agency officials on regional topics dedicated to improving our economic livelihood.
“Perhaps no other regional advocacy program in the nation has achieved more impact than the Metro Chamber’s Cap-to-Cap. This program gives the entire six-county Capital Region the opportunity to speak with one voice about our specific, concrete priorities for federal action,” said West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon. “Billions of dollars have flowed to our region due in no small part to our collective, strategic work as part of the Cap-to-Cap delegation. Last year, for instance, we articulated the regional need for the Riverfront Streetcar as a top priority-and we then won $50 million in the federal budget.”
This year’s 12 policy teams drafted policy positions, solutions and asks representing a diverse group of issues. The policy teams include air quality; civic amenities; community resources; economic development; flood protection; food and agriculture; health care; land use and national resources; public safety; transportation; water resources; and workforce and education.
Delegations will hold discussions with Administration, agency, and Congressional representatives on the necessity of regulatory reform, rollback, and streamlining in order to unleash our region’s economic potential and contribute to regional prosperity. To foster economic growth, the Metro Chamber advocates that businesses must have an environment that allows them to utilize their resources without the uncertainty of inefficient over-regulation and duplicative regulatory compliance processes.
To ensure our Capital Region has the right foundation to support growth, the delegation will seek policy changes to provide strong and stable funding for transportation infrastructure to ensure the movement of goods and people. The Flood Protection Committee will meet with officials related to sufficient federal funding for water and flood infrastructure to provide for public safety, while various representatives will lead talks related to technology infrastructure to fully engage the digital age and global economy to support our national competitiveness. An executive summary of the 2018 priority issues can be reviewed on the Metro Chamber website.
“Cap-to-Cap offers a unique opportunity for representatives from various industries to collectively work together to advocate for the Capital region,” said Sacramento Metro Chamber Interim President and CEO Darrell Teat. “We are proud to organize this important program each year as part of our advocacy efforts.”
Delegates will begin travel to Washington D.C. on Friday, April 13. Follow all the action on Twitter and Instagram via #CaptoCap18.
Cap-to-Cap Chair Dr. Rob White, Sierra Energy
Cap-to-Cap 1st Vice Chair Stacy McAfee, University of the Pacific
Cap-to-Cap Honorary Vice Chair Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, City of West Sacramento
Cap-to-Cap Honorary Vice Chair Mayor Susan Rohan, City of Roseville
Metro Chamber Board Chair Chris Delfino, Delfino Madden O’Malley Coyle Koewler LLP
Metro Chamber 1st Vice Chair Alex Taghavian, Capitol Impact
Metro Chamber 2nd Vice Chair Ann Madden Rice, UC Davis Health
Metro Chamber Vice Chair of Public Policy Ed Manning, KP Public Affairs
Interim President and CEO Darrell Teat, Sacramento Metro Chamber