New California Laws 2025: Part 24
Sacramento, Calif.- Part 24 in New California Laws for 2025 includes laws currently chaptered in Sacramento during the 2023-24 legislative session. This installment includes laws on voter ID, mental health, pet insurance, pawnbrokers, and more.
For full and specific text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.
New California Laws 2025 (part 24)
SB-1161 | Juveniles. |
SB-1162 | Public contracts: employment compliance reports: apprenticeship programs. |
SB-1166 | Public postsecondary education: sex discrimination reports. |
SB-1168 | Business entities: Secretary of State: document filings. |
SB-1169 | Los Angeles County Flood Control District: finances. |
SB-1172 | Personal income tax: voluntary contributions: California Breast Cancer Research Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund and California Cancer Research Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund. |
SB-1174 | Elections: voter identification. |
SB-1177 | Public utilities: women, minority, disabled veteran, and LGBT business enterprises. |
SB-1180 | Health care coverage: emergency medical services. |
SB-1181 | Campaign contributions: agency officers. |
SB-1183 | Community colleges: registered nursing programs. |
SB-1184 | Mental health: involuntary treatment: antipsychotic medication. |
SB-1186 | Fairs: free admissions. |
SB-1187 | Housing programs: Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act. |
SB-1188 | Drinking water: technical, managerial, and financial standards. |
SB-1189 | County Employees Retirement Law of 1937: county board of retirement. |
SB-1190 | Mobilehomes: solar energy systems. |
SB-1193 | Airports: leaded aviation gasoline. |
SB-1195 | Assessments: advanced placement examinations: fall testing date. |
SB-1197 | In-home respite services. |
SB-1198 | Pawnbrokers: fees and charges. |
SB-1207 | Buy Clean California Act: eligible materials. |
SB-1209 | Local agency formation commission: indemnification. |
SB-1210 | New housing construction: electrical, gas, sewer, and water service: service connection information. |
SB-1211 | Land use: accessory dwelling units: ministerial approval. |
SB-1215 | Fire protection: Office of the State Fire Marshal: State Board of Fire Services: membership: quorum. |
SB-1216 | Transportation projects: Class III bikeways: prohibition. |
SB-1217 | Pet insurance. |
SB-1221 | Gas corporations: ceasing service: priority neighborhood decarbonization zones. |
SB-1223 | Consumer privacy: sensitive personal information: neural data. |
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