California Laws 2021


Sacramento, CA โ€“ Part 28 of New California laws for 2021 includes Vital records, special education, small plastic bottles at hotels, sheriff oversight, pawnbrokers, police use of force, facial recognition & biometric surveillance and more.

For full text details and authorship regarding individuals laws and the effective dates, just click on the bill number for full text access via the California Legislature.
(Please note: Laws enacted during the previous legislative session have varying effective dates.)

Roseville Today Holiday Guide
AB-1146  California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: exemptions: vehicle information.
AB-1150  Community college districts: governing board elections: San Diego Community College District: Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District.
AB-1152  Vital records.
AB-1160  Forestry: timber operations: sustained yield plans.
AB-1162  Lodging establishments: personal care products: small plastic bottles.
AB-1164  Surplus state real property: disposal.
AB-1165  Child custody: supervised visitation.
AB-1166  Public works: protection of underground infrastructure: regional notification center system: electronic positive response.
AB-1168  Emergency services: text to 911.
AB-1172  Special education: nonpublic, nonsectarian schools or agencies.
AB-1179  Child custody: allegations of abuse: report.
AB-1180  Water: recycled water.
AB-1183  Vessel operator: definition.
AB-1185  County board of supervisors: sheriff oversight.
AB-1186  Pawnbrokers: fees and charges.
AB-1188  Dwelling units: persons at risk of homelessness.
AB-1191  State Lands Commission: exchange of trust lands: City of Oakland: Howard Terminal property: Oakland Waterfront Sports and Mixed-Use Project, Waterfront Access, Environmental Justice, and Revitalization Act.
AB-1196  Peace officers: use of force.
AB-1197  California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: City of Los Angeles: supportive housing and emergency shelters.
AB-1199  State property: Fairview Developmental Center.
AB-1202  Privacy: data brokers.
AB-1205  California Cut Flower Commission: membership: reconvening commission.
AB-1208  Utility user taxes: exemption: clean energy resource.
AB-1209  Long-term care benefits.
AB-1213  Legal document assistants and unlawful detainer assistants.
AB-1215  Law enforcement: facial recognition and other biometric surveillance.
AB-1219  Teacher credentialing: certificated employee assignment monitoring.
AB-1220  Metropolitan water districts.
AB-1223  Living organ donation.
AB-1232  Affordable housing: weatherization.
AB-1234  Standardized tests.
AB-1235  Youth homelessness prevention centers.
AB-1237  Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: guidelines.
AB-1240  School accountability: local control and accountability plans: state priorities: pupil achievement.
AB-1254  Bobcats: take prohibition: hunting season: management plan.
AB-1255  Surplus public land: inventory.
AB-1257  Sales and use taxes: exemption: vehicle modifications: physically handicapped persons: veterans.
AB-1260  Endangered wildlife.
AB-1261  Controlled substances: narcotics registry.
AB-1264  Medical Practice Act: dangerous drugs: appropriate prior examination.

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