New California Laws 2020

California 2020 New Laws

Sacramento, CAโ€“ Part 10 in New California laws for 2020 includes foster care,parking penalties, election redistricting, cannabis cultivation, firearms, transfer of property and more.

For full text details and authorship regarding individuals laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.

California Laws 2020 โ€“ Part 10

AB-815Integrated waste management plans
AB-819Foster care.
AB-824Business: preserving access to affordable drugs.
AB-825San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District.
AB-827Solid waste: commercial and organic waste: recycling bins.
AB-829California State University: Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program.
AB-833Parking penalties.
AB-834Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program.
AB-836Wildfire Smoke Clean Air Centers for Vulnerable Populations Incentive Pilot Program.
AB-840Alcoholic beverages: licenses:imports.
AB-845Continuing education: physicians and surgeons: maternal mental health.
AB-849Elections:city and county redistricting.
AB-851Drug masking products.
AB-853Student financial aid: Golden State Scholarshare Trust Act.
AB-857Public banks.
AB-864Political Reform Act of 1974:disclosures.
AB-865Resource families:training.
AB-872Property taxation:change in ownership: parent to child transfer: stock.
AB-874California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.
AB-880Transportation network companies: participating drivers: criminal background checks.
AB-881Accessory dwelling units.
AB-892Transfers of real property.
AB-89322nd District Agricultural Association: firearm and ammunition sales at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.
AB-894Attorney General: directors and employees:exemption from civil service.
AB-902Political Reform Act of 1974: Fair Political Practices Commission: regulations.
AB-903Political Reform Act of 1974.
AB-909Political Reform Act of 1974: statements of acknowledgment.
AB-911Office of Emergency Services: emergency information: study.
AB-912Marine invasive species:ballast water and biofouling management requirements.

๐Ÿ”– Latest in the Series – New Laws in California 2024

New California Laws

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