Sacramento, Calif. – The American Council of Engineering Companies, California (ACEC California) unveiled the 2017 recipients of its prestigious Engineering Excellence Awards. In all, 21 California firms representing 38 projects were named winners.
Four Sacramento-area projects were recognized for outstanding achievement, including: the Golden One Center in Sacramento; the Closed Lincoln Landfill Groundwater Corrective Action Project in Lincoln; the Bailey Creek Bridge Replacement Project in Plumas County; and the Riverfront Reconnection Project-Phase I in Sacramento.
“Engineering and land surveying firms excel at serving California communities through extraordinary and innovative design in order to solve real-world problems,” said Brad Diede, Executive Director of ACEC California. “This year’s award winners were no exception – from providing critical clean water infrastructure to more efficient transportation improvement projects and world-class facilities – ACEC members are moving California forward.”
ACEC California’s annual Engineering Excellence Awards competition recognizes outstanding achievements in engineering and land surveying projects completed by California firms. This year, 18 Honor Awards were granted to 12 firms and 20 Merit Awards were granted to 11 firms. An awards dinner, which is a fundraiser for the ACEC California Scholarship Foundation 501(c)3, will be held in San Francisco, February 2, 2017, and Honor Award winning projects will have photographic panels on display at the Capitol, outside of the Governor’s office, in early 2017.
The winner of the Golden State award, signifying the best overall project, will be announced at the awards dinner. Honor Award winners also are eligible to enter the national level Engineering Excellence Awards competition.