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Folsom, Calif. – Every year, the Public Works Department celebrates City Works Day to commemorate the achievements of Public Works in the daily lives of Folsom residents, as well as to celebrate and recognize public works endeavors in cities across the nation.

In addition to the Folsom Public Works Department, other city departments join in the City Works Day celebration to create a rich presentation of the city’s services. Visitors at the event can learn about the functions of the city by meeting employees who host dozens of fun and interactive activities. A variety of city vehicles, including fire and garbage trucks, a tractor, police vehicles, and more, are typically displayed. Some vehicles are available for on-board exploration.

City Works Day is scheduled each year to support and usher in the American Public Works Association’s (APWA) proclaimed “National Public Works Week” City Works Day is a free annual event and is traditionally held on the third Wednesday of May.

Folsom City Works Day

What: City Works Day
When: May 18, 2022
Where: City Lions Park (near the Folsom Public Library)
Cost:  Free admission

The City’s celebration is scheduled in May to usher in the American Public Works Association’s nationally proclaimed “National Public Works Week.”

For information about City Works Day, visit or call 916-461-6702.

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