Roseville, Calif.- At 3:29 on Monday, November 26 units from the city of Roseville Fire Department were dispatched for a fire alarm sounding at a residence located on Parkview Drive in Roseville. Upon arrival at the two-story, single family dwelling, fire personnel reported that there was fire in the garage and that it had extended into the attic and had burnt through the roof.
An aggressive fire attack was mounted after first ensuring that all occupants of the home had safely exited. Incident Commander Kathy Finney requested a second-alarm assignment which augmented the on-scene fire crews with an additional three engines and one ladder truck. The fire was quickly contained leaving the home with only moderate fire damage.
The family of the home escaped safely however there was one minor injury to a contractor on scene. He refused transport to the hospital by ambulance but was later taken to the hospital by a private party for evaluation.
The fire was caused by a worker replacing a hot water heater. During this process, natural gas leaked from the pipe which was then ignited by an adjacent furnace. Incidents such as these serve as a reminder to first shut-off all natural gas supplies when working on appliances and to also extinguish all ignition sources when working with natural gas.