Let a Transit Ambassador show you how easy it is to travel the area by bus.
If you’ve never taken public transportation, or want to be comfortable using it more frequently, a Transit Ambassador can help you navigate the Roseville, Placer County, Auburn and Lincoln Transit routes. These screened and trained volunteers are enthusiastic, patient, and knowledgeable about buses in the area. It’s easy to get to work, medical appointments, libraries, parks, grocery stores, shopping, and restaurants.
All buses are equipped with bike racks so you can ride your bike to your neighborhood bus stop and hop aboard. Also, all buses are wheelchair accessible. With the increasing cost of driving, it’s financially smart to make more of your trips by bus. Let a Transit Ambassador show you how.
If you are already an experienced bus rider who enjoys helping others, or, if you have the desire to learn how to use the bus so you can assist others, volunteer to become a Transit Ambassador. You’ll make an important contribution by giving people more freedom when teaching them how to use the local public transportation network.
For Transit Ambassador assistance, or to volunteer, call 746-1289
For information about bus service in south Placer, call 745-7560.