Structural Deficit Cited for Service Reductions
(City of Roseville, CA 2018) -The 2018-19 budget was adopted at the June 20, 2018 City Council meeting. Due to a structural deficit in the General Fund, the following service reductions are being made so that the City may live within its means.
* Work with Roseville Joint Union High School District on cost sharing agreement for School Resource Officers
* Insufficient revenues prevent staffing increases/ staff have absorbed increasing service demands
* Without increased resources, the result will be future service level reductions
* Reduce public education outreach programs
* Increase fees for Fire & Life Safety Code Enforcement
* Pilot an emergency response operational change in daily staffing of the two ladder trucks from 4 personnel to 3
* Reduce Emergency Management Team training opportunities to one exercise a year rather than two per year
Public Works
* Reduce building maintenance staffing
* No further budget reductions can occur due to Senate Bill 1 (SB1 gas tax passed by the State Legislature in 2017) “Maintenance of Effort” requirement
* Roadway maintenance continues to be underfunded despite approval of SB1
Parks, Recreation & Libraries
* Reduce Maidu Museum & Historic Site operations
* Reduced playground maintenance
* Reduced park pruning schedule
* Reduced turf and bed maintenance
* Reduced library databases
* Remove portable restrooms in parks
* Reduce Vernon Street Town Square lighting and decor
* Increase user fees
* Decrease events and programs due to hiring delays
* Continued service reductions started last year including Friday library closures and eliminating 4th of July fireworks
* Deferred maintenance of the City’s parks, playgrounds, libraries, recreation centers, pools, and other facilities has been significantly underfunded since the Great Recession
As a full-service city, Roseville owns and operates its own electric, water, wastewater, and solid waste utilities through Roseville Electric Utility and Environmental Utilities (EU). The utilities are Enterprise Funds meaning monies from the General Fund may not be used to support utility operation just as revenue from utilities can’t be used to pay for General Fund expenses.
The 2018-19 budget begins on July 1, 2018.
For more information about service reductions over the last 10 years, visit You may also find the entire budget details at
City of Roseville, CA. (2018, June 20). 2018-19 budget adopted [News release]. Retrieved from
Salary Schedules for City of Roseville Employees