Roseville City School District: Assessments, Job Openings and Grand Opening
Roseville, Calif. – One of my favorite aspects of April, other than the warmer, longer days, is that spring ushers in a season of transition. All of our students and their families are preparing for transitions from one grade to the next, many graduating from our RCSD middle schools and stepping up to the big leagues – high school. But as our families enjoy a spring break respite from the hustle and bustle of the school year, our staff are readying themselves for the final push of the year.
When students return from spring break, hopefully with recharged energy and memories to share, they’ll soon be tackling state testing. One such test is the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, or CAASPP for short. CAASPP is a set of standardized assessments for our students in Grades 3-8 that are designed to measure student progress in English Language Arts, math and science (5th and 8th grades, only) that align with the California Common Core State Standards.
The results of these tests help us to evaluate student progress, inform instruction and identify areas where additional support may be needed. To help your student feel prepared, make sure they get a good night’s rest, eat a hearty breakfast to stay fueled and send them off to school with a “You’ve got this!” attitude. For extra preparation, you can review practice tests with your child here. While we know that some students may experience test anxiety, please let them know that all they have to do is try their best. We’re already proud of them!
As a reminder, yes, our district is growing and we look forward to the grand opening of Westbrook Elementary this coming fall. A growing district also means a growing list of staffing needs. We’re always on the lookout for candidates of strong character who are caring, competent and compassionate. If this sounds like you or someone you know, we encourage you to review our open positions at
As this season of transitions continues on, we look forward to helping our students finish the year strong. As always, thank you for your partnership in education.
Derk Garcia
Superintendent, Roseville City School District
(21+ years strong)
Welcome to the brighter side!