Emergency personnel who have achieved the highest certification in California
Sacramento, Calif.- With funding from the California Office of Homeland Security, members of the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) have received the distinction of being the first emergency personnel in California to be trained, equipped and certified to respond as Type I Weapons of Mass Destruction Hazard Materials Teams.
In addition, the regional fire and law enforcement partners have also purchased identical breathing apparatus and interoperable communications equipment to ensure they can respond to a mutual-aid incident and not have to worry about whether their equipment is compatible. This kind of regional corporation and coordination helps local governments prepare to back each other up in times of need.
The Sacramento UASI has dedicated 3 years and more than $5.7 million to help local fire agencies become a regional force, with common tools and training, being the most prepared agencies in the state in the event there is a terrorist or mass destruction hazardous materials incident in this region or anywhere in California.
Helping in this effort were Congressional leaders: John Doolittle, Dan Lungren, Doris Matsui and Mike Thompson.
The UASI and Sacramento Regional Office of Homeland Security members are: Sacramento Fire and Police, Sacramento Metro Fire, Roseville Fire and Police, West Sacramento Fire and Police, Folsom Fire and Police, Elk Grove Fire and Police, Rocklin Fire and Police, Sacramento County Sheriff, California Highway Patrol and Sacramento County Health Department.