Roseville Tree

Public hearings June 1, budget adoption set for June 16

Roseville, CA- With a focus on responsible recovery, The City of Roseville’s proposed FY2021-22 budget does not include any General Fund service level reductions, and only includes the most critical increases given the continued uncertainty surrounding the pandemic.

The proposed $571 million FY2021-22 city budget can be downloaded here. (pdf download 20 MB)

Even with this uncertainty to the economic outlook, the City remains optimistic about the future. Roseville’s financial condition is expected to improve in FY2021-22 as the City increases its General Fund reserves to the City Council’s policy target levels and begins to pay down long-term obligations to create future budget capacity.

Of an overall City budget of $571 million, only $176 million comprises the proposed FY2021-22 General Fund operating budget, a 10.7 percent growth over FY2020-21.

The majority of the remaining $395 million in funding is dedicated toward electric, water, wastewater, and waste services utility operations.

Where does General Fund money go?

Roseville, where you money goes

The budget plan for the coming fiscal year focuses on responsibility, and recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 by:

  • Continuing to provide pandemic recovery assistance for the community and businesses.
  • Making improvements to city facilities to ensure a safe work environment.
  • Maintaining service levels.
  • Reaching economic stabilization and emergency reserves funding goals to maintain city services during the next recession.
  • The use of technology to reduce costs and increase service levels.
  • Looking for ways to reduce our organization in lower priority areas.
  • Identifying new revenue opportunities.
  • Paying down unfunded liabilities to improve the City’s financial condition.

Underfunded needs remain

Although the City’s General Fund budget is balanced for FY2021-22, many underfunded needs remain.

The City was able to maintain service levels during the 2008 recession by deferring millions of dollars’ worth of capital improvements and maintenance, borrowing from reserves, and lowering payments to key funds such as workers’ compensation and retiree health.

As the economy recovered, the Council adopted policies to ensure that future revenues are allocated to move towards fully funding these obligations, including the use of one-time resources to accelerate paying down long-term liabilities.

With three consecutive years of suppressed hiring, this year’s proposed budget addresses the pent-up demand for staffing in order to maintain service levels as the City grows and address unfunded mandates.

Public budget hearings will be held at 4 p.m., Tuesday, June 1. The City Council will consider the final budget for adoption at its regular public meeting, 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 16.

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