The City of Roseville will host two public workshops to unveil a proposed two-year rate adjustment plan for its water, sewer and refuse utility customers.
The proposed rate adjustment is necessary to address increases in operational and labor costs, new state and federal regulatory requirements, and renewal and replacement needs of aging utility infrastructure which serves residential and commercial customers.
‘This two-year proposal will allow us to continue to provide reliable utility service to our customers,’ said Derrick Whitehead, Director of Environmental Utilities. ‘It represents our best effort to balance our revenue needs necessary to provide the current level of service while making sure we minimize the impact of these increases on our customers.’
The proposed utility rate adjustments include two consecutive years of increase for all three utilities. If adopted, the proposed rate adjustment represents an increase of eight percent annually for the next two years. The Environmental Utilities Department is planning on presenting its rate proposal during a public hearing with the Roseville City Council on February 21, 2007. If adopted by the City Council, the rate adjustments would become effective beginning April 2007.
For a typical residential customer, the first year adjustment would be an average monthly increase of $4.83 in their water, sewer and refuse bill. The second year would represent an average increase of $5.18 per month for the typical residential customer.
When compared to similar utilities in the region, Roseville’s rates still rank among the lowest when the proposed rate adjustment is factored in.