Beginning Jan. 5, Roseville Transit will offer public local bus service to the Santucci Justice Center at 10820 Justice Center Drive in Roseville.
The new Route S runs Mon.-Fri. and has early morning, mid-day, and late afternoon runs between the Justice Center and the stop on Roseville Parkway before West Drive. This stop is adjacent to the Galleria Transfer Point, connecting to Placer County Transit 30 minutes after the hour. View the schedule online.
Interested in trying out this route? Ride Route S for FREE on Mon. Feb. 2, 2009. No coupons necessary.
Regular Local service fares and transfers apply. Dial-A-Ride service within Roseville is also available.
Route S is a successful collaboration between the City of Roseville and Placer County, operated by Roseville Transit.
For more information call 774-5757.