Deadly Citrus Disease Threatens California Citrus
Roseville, Calif- Placer County is world-famous for its amazing mandarins, one of the many rich agricultural products produced in our county. Unfortunately, these and other citrus crops are vulnerable to an invasive insect, the Asian citrus psyllid, which can carry a disease called Huanglongbing, also known as citrus greening disease, which is fatal to citrus trees.
As of July 2017, 200 square miles in south Placer County are under a citrus quarantine after the discovery of the psyllids in western Lincoln in September 2016, and single psyllid in Roseville in June 2017. The found psyllids did not test positive for the disease, but as a precautionary measure a quarantine has been put into effect for Lincoln, a significant portion of Roseville and portions of Rocklin and Granite Bay.
Residents and businesses within the quarantine boundary are prohibited from moving citrus plants and fruit to locations outside of the quarantine area.
Luckily, the quarantine does not affect our commercial citrus growers in the unincorporated areas of Placer County and we look forward to a bountiful citrus harvest this fall. But make no mistake, the county is on full Asian citrus psyllid alert to protect our crops and growers.
Learn how to save your citrus by protecting against Huanglongbing and the Asian citrus psyllid, the pest that can spread the disease.
For more detailed info, visit