Roseville Police Chief Joel Neves will welcome three recently hired police officers and two dispatchers at the department’s first quarterly swearing-in ceremony of 2006. The ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25 at the Tower Theater, 417 Vernon St. The Chief will also present awards for various achievements to existing employees.
Police Officer Tony Chavarria joined the Roseville Police Department on October 31, 2005. Chavarria was a police officer for the Woodland Police Department for eight years before coming to Roseville.
Dispatcher Kurt Anderson joined the Roseville Police Department on November 26. Before coming to Roseville, he was a dispatcher for the Sacramento Police Department for fourteen years.
Police Officer Joshua Simon joined the RPD on December 20. Like Officer Chavarria, Officer Simon also came from the Woodland Police Department, where he served for nine years. Officer Simon will have the distinction of wearing Roseville Police Department’s badge number 1000, the department’s first four-digit badge number.
Police Officer Ryan Nottleson started his career with the City of Roseville in 2001 as an information technology intern. He was hired as a Roseville Police Department dispatcher in 2004. In 2005, the RPD hired Nottleson as a police trainee and sent him to the Sacramento Law Enforcement Training Center. Nottleson graduated from the police academy in December and was appointed as a Roseville Police officer on December 24.
Dispatcher Tara Hoversten is the Roseville Police Department’s first new employee of 2006. Hoversten was a dispatcher for the Sacramento Police Department for 12 years before joining the RPD on January 4.
The Roseville City Council has added ten new police officer positions and six new professional staff (non-sworn) positions to the Roseville Police Department’s complement since July 2005, bringing the Roseville Police Department’s current authorized staffing level to 131 sworn officers and 76.5 professsional staff employees.