Roseville, Calif.- Early Thursday morning, Roseville police officers pursued and arrested two men who had been involved in an incident where a gun had been shot into the air. Their handgun was not located. The Roseville Police Department wants the public to be aware that the handgun may have been discarded by the roadway, and to not touch it and to notify police if they find it.
At 12:39 a.m. August 12, officers responded to a report that following a fight, someone had fired a shot into the air in a parking lot in the 100 block of Church Street. No one was injured.
The shooter and his companion got into a Mercedes sedan and drove away in the direction of the Sierra Street bridge, colliding with a parked vehicle as they left. Responding officers spotted the Mercedes on Atlantic Street and pursued it, eventually following it up State Route 65 to Lincoln. The driver pulled over and stopped just south of Ferrari Ranch Road, and both suspects were taken into custody without further incident.
Despite a search of the vehicle and the area, officers were not able to locate the handgun used in the incident. Roseville Police Department staff are continuing to search for the firearm, a semi-automatic handgun, today.
Michael Gregorio Williamson, 30, of Plumas Lake, and Alvaro Joe Pereyra, 29, of Riverside were arrested in connection with the incident. Both are in custody in the Placer County Jail.
If a member of the public finds this gun (or any gun), police ask that they not touch it, and that they immediately notify police. Remind kids of the four things to do if they come across a gun:
* Don’t touch
* Leave the area
* Tell an adult