Roseville, Calif. – At its March 16th meeting, the Roseville City Council, like many cities throughout California have done in recent months, voted to enact some minor changes in the way the city regulates medical marijuana. Recent changes to state law necessitated that the city make these changes to be consistent with state law and to clarify city-specific regulations.
The regulations do not significantly change the existing structure and enforcement of the City’s medical marijuana and marijuana-cultivation regulations. The City continues to ban commercial aspects of medical-marijuana use such as dispensaries, processing facilities, testing laboratories, and delivery in the City of Roseville.
The City will continue to allow limited indoor cultivation by authorized individuals for personal use. The City has not changed its overall position with regard to medical marijuana use within Roseville.
“With these modifications to our existing ordinance, we have ensured that we will continue to maintain the ability to control and regulate medical marijuana use within the City,” said Mayor Carol Garcia. “Not having made these modifications could have meant risking the loss of this local control.”
In accordance with the State of California’s Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act of 2015 (MMRSA), the City has moved its Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Cultivation regulations from the health and safety sections of the municipal code to the zoning sections.
Additionally, the City has made amendments to these sections to update the language to be consistent with the definitions and structure used in the MMRSA. The second reading of the ordinance will occur April 6, and if adopted will go into effect 30 days after that.