Supporting essential groundwater infrastructure initiatives
Roseville, Calif.- In a proactive move to address the challenges posed by climate change and to align with statewide water management objectives, Roseville has received an $8 million grant from the California Natural Resources Agency and Department of Water Resources. This financial infusion will help finance the development of two groundwater wells within the city by covering nearly half the cost.
Roseville’s share is part of a more extensive regional funding package totaling $55 million, dedicated to supporting essential groundwater infrastructure initiatives spanning the Sacramento region. By expanding groundwater supplies and use in the area, local water agencies will be able to reduce diversions from the Lower American River during dry years and increase instream flows necessary to support delicate ecosystems and fish species such as salmon and steelhead.
“We understand the critical importance of having a variety of water sources to ensure there’s enough water for both our residents and the environment,” explained Bruce Houdesheldt, Mayor of Roseville. “While the regional funding supports crucial groundwater projects across the area, it also enables Roseville to construct more groundwater wells, enhancing the reliability of our water supply for our growing community.”
Aquifer Storage
As part of Roseville’s Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Program, two ASR wells are being constructed in central and west Roseville. These wells are significant because they can take out groundwater during a drought and put water back in when there’s a lot of rain.
Investing in ASR infrastructure helps us manage water in a sustainable way that fits with how our city’s water works. It also makes our water supply more dependable and helps us handle the growing problems caused by climate change in Roseville and the Sacramento area.
With the completion of these two new ASR wells, Roseville’s ASR well infrastructure will grow from seven to nine wells, with further expansion plans over the next three to five years.
“a vital role”
“Our groundwater program continues to expand and develop because it plays a vital role in the economic well-being of our community and the broader region,” stated Sean Bigley, Assistant Director for Environmental Utilities. “Over nearly two decades, we’ve made significant investments in groundwater, enabling us to store and refill the aquifer when surface water is plentiful and preserve it for dry periods. Adding more wells to our program means we can store even greater amounts of water for future use.”
With ample rain and snowfall this year, Roseville banked enough water to supply more than 6,000 homes. These water supply infrastructure investments will enhance Roseville’s current groundwater program, allow additional groundwater banking as excess surface water becomes available, and help create reliable water supplies for our customers and the region.
- Roseville Turns Tap on New Groundwater Wells
- Roseville rainfall helps recharge aquifers for drier times
(21+ years strong)
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