Planning Ahead and a Commitment to District Culture
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Roseville, CA- While planning for the 2021-2022 school year is still underway, I believe we have a better sense of what the future may bring compared to the beginning of this school year. Seeing the enrollment and registration forms rolling in from families across the district is a crystal clear reminder of our place in the community: We are here to educate, prepare, protect, guide and develop the minds of young members of our community: our children.
Each year, we encourage families with new and returning students to register online at beginning in January. Registering early helps us to prepare for the staffing and programming at our 21 schools. It also helps to reserve your child’s spot, as our enrollment numbers can be described as increasing, unpredictable and changing across the district. So the long and short of it is registering early helps us and it helps you!
This year has been particularly challenging to properly staff our classroom, so if looking for work is something you’re open to, please view our open positions at
Something that has given me a sense of pride and confidence lately is the teamwork we’ve experienced between the district, our families and the community. It is evident that with a “we’re in this together” attitude, we can tackle anything. I may sound like a broken record, but it’s true – I am eternally grateful for your collaboration, grace and understanding, all of which has allowed RCSD to move forward with reopening schools, opening our virtual campus, Champions Academy, and plan for the post-COVID-19 education environment. Have there been hiccups? Absolutely! Some were expected and some were not, but we are thankful to you for your support as we navigate next step after next step with your child’s education in mind.
Character, Commitment, Competence and Care
What you will see throughout the end of this school year and into next year is a commitment to our district culture of the 4 C’s: Character, Commitment, Competence and Care. These are the aspects of our district that help us rise above to offer quality education with the human kindness that helps us survive the difficult times and celebrate the little victories. They say it takes a village to raise a child and these are the aspects of our district that allow us to be an effective and caring component of that village. We are thankful to be part of your children’s lives and we are committed to bringing our best to these young people day in and day out.
Derk Garcia
Superintendent Roseville City School District
(21+ years strong)
Welcome to the brighter side!