Transitioning toward “normal” school year
Roseville, CA- As I write this article, it is one year to the day that the world as we once knew it changed. What was originally meant to be a two-week break to “flatten the curve,” changed our reality in ways we never expected. One year later, the clouds are starting to part and the future is looking brighter each day.
Thanks to a partnership with Placer County Public Health, our educators and staff now have the option to be vaccinated. Pairing this with optional surveillance testing and declining case rates, we are forecasting a 2021-22 school year that may usher in a return to “normal.”
Modified traditional schedule
But what is “normal,” anyway? While the Roseville City School District has implemented a modified traditional schedule of five day a week instruction, we do have plans to offer a full-time, virtual learning school for families next year, pending Board action on April 8. For those families ready to take on a more traditional path next year, we plan to open the school year with full-time, in-person learning August 5, 2021.
Middle school cross country, band classes and choir classes have received the green light to resume activities and we’re hopeful that more routine activities will continue to be experienced as our county begins to relax restrictions. So while some of these things aren’t business as usual, we’re getting closer to a more traditional experience for our students.
We also recognize that the transition back to “normal” may not be so simple for all families, which is why we are here to support you. If you have any questions regarding registration, social-emotional support for students and families, and options for increased childcare needs, visit our district website at or reach out to your school site for more information.
Derk Garcia
Superintendent Roseville City School District