Noah’s Bagels, 2030 Douglas Blvd., was robbed at approximately 5:15 p.m. Sunday, November 23. The business was closed and employees were cleaning up when the robbery occurred. Two robbers accosted an employee near the back door of the business, forced their way in and pointed handguns at employees, demanding cash. The robbers took the cash and left. The employees did not report being injured.
The robbers were described as white males in their 20s. One was between 5’0″ and 5’5″ inches tall, with a thin build, wearing black clothing and a black ski mask. The other was heavyset and wore a gray sweatshirt, long blue basketball shorts, and brown boots. Both were armed with handguns.
Anyone with information about this robbery is asked to call the Roseville Police Department investigations unit at (916)774-5070, or Roseville Crime Stoppers at (916)783-7867. Roseville Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards for anonymous tips leading to arrest.