RCSD News Updates

Monthly Message from RCSD Superintendent

Roseville, Calif.- It’s chilly, love is in the air and my car was covered in rain this morning – it must be February at RCSD! As we prepare for the 2024-25 school year (already!), student registration becomes a crucial step as RCSD plans for staffing, facilities, programming, after-school opportunities, and more for the upcoming year.

Did you know that RCSD staff carefully track registration numbers daily for the next several weeks and months to ensure each and every student enrolled has the staffing, space, materials, and programs needed? It’s a complicated process, as many areas of our District continue to grow, while others remain steady. Register early and accurately so we can be best prepared to welcome your student on August 8, 2024!

Transitional Kindergarten

Many families new to RCSD are registering students for the first time for Transitional Kindergarten – the first of a two-year kindergarten experience for children turning 5 years old after September 2nd and the age-eligible cut-off. For the 2024-25 age eligibility includes students born between September 2, 2019, and June 2, 2020.

Annual Household Eligibility Form

As you register, don’t forget to complete one particularly essential form – the “Annual Household Eligibility Form.” This form is vital for every RCSD student and conveniently accessible online during registration. While some may associate it solely with qualifying for free or reduced-price school lunch, the form is actually instrumental in securing additional funds and services for both your child’s school and RCSD.

As your family completes student registration, bookmark the academic calendar for the coming school year. This will allow your family to plan vacations around holidays and days off from school, giving your student the opportunity to make the very best of their attendance.

We’ll keep families updated with calendar alerts throughout the school year on our social media channels. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages @RCSDchampions and never miss an update!

For more information, please visit https://www.rcsdk8.org/

Derk Garcia
Superintendent RCSD

RCSD Calendar

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