Walerga Bridge Construction

Federal tax dollars fund bulk of project

Roseville, CA- With construction of the east side of the new Walerga Road bridge nearly complete, motorists in each direction are expected to be detoured onto the new bridge starting Feb. 11.

Construction continues this week with the installation of traffic safety devices and traffic signs. Access to Dry Creek Park will shift back to the original park entrance. Due to recent rain events, the pedestrian pathways will remain closed until mid-April or early May.

Construction originally scheduled to begin in 2008, at a total estimated cost of $13 million. (2006 article: Federal bill Includes $500,000 for New Walerga Rd. Bridge)

Placer County Department of Public Works is replacing the existing bridge on Walerga Road over Dry Creek. The new bridge will be 14 feet taller than the existing bridge and will include four lanes with 4-foot shoulders, a 12-foot-wide Class 1 bikeway, an 8-foot-wide wide walkway and new trail connectivity.

With construction of the east side of the new bridge wrapping up, the contractor will continue the project by building the foundation for the west side and finishing east side pedestrian pathways. The east side of the bridge will accommodate one lane of traffic in each direction until the project is complete.

Work to remove the old bridge should begin this summer.

Built in 1973, Walerga Bridge is flood prone.

Project updates, road closures and other key project information will be updated regularly on the project website at www.walergabridge.com. The website provides the ability to sign up for electronic notifications of project updates and road closures. It also features a project description, key project elements, location map, construction updates, frequently asked questions and construction photos.

A 24/7 project hotline is available at 916-231-5108. Callers are welcome to leave a message with questions, comments or concerns and a project team member will respond.

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