New California Laws

Annual Series on New California Laws

Sacramento, Calif.- Kicking off our annual series of New California Laws 2022 edition. Part 1 in New California laws for 2022 includes police use of force, elections, hate crimes, homeless children and several bills relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For full text details and authorship regarding chaptered laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.

California Laws 2022 โ€“ Part 1

AB-3 Exhibition of speed on a highway: punishment.
AB-9 Fire safety and prevention: wildfires: fire adapted communities: Office of the State Fire Marshal: community wildfire preparedness and mitigation.
AB-12 Personal information: social security numbers: the Employment Development Department.
AB-14 Communications: California Advanced Services Fund: deaf and disabled telecommunications program: surcharges.
AB-26 Peace officers: use of force.
AB-27 Homeless children and youths and unaccompanied youths: reporting.
AB-33 Energy Conservation Assistance Act of 1979: energy storage systems and electric vehicle charging infrastructure: Native American tribes.
AB-36 Design-build contracting: Town of Paradise
AB-37 Elections: vote by mail ballots.
AB-39 California-China Climate Institute.
AB-41 Broadband infrastructure deployment.
AB-43 Traffic safety.
AB-45 Industrial hemp products.
AB-46 California Youth Empowerment Act.
AB-48 Law enforcement: use of force.
AB-56 Benefits: outgoing mail: claim processing: reporting.
AB-57 Law enforcement: hate crimes.
AB-61 Business pandemic relief.
AB-63 Marine resources: Marine Managed Areas Improvement Act: restoration and monitoring activities.
AB-66 Coastal resources: research: landslides and erosion: early warning system: County of San Diego.
AB-68 Department of Housing and Community Development: California Statewide Housing Plan: annual reports.
AB-72 Environmental protection: coastal adaptation projects: natural infrastructure: regulatory review and permitting: report.
AB-73 Health emergencies: employment safety: agricultural workers: wildfire smoke.
AB-74 Communications: universal service: lifeline program.
AB-80 Taxation: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act: Federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.
AB-81 COVID-19 relief.
AB-82 COVID-19 pandemic emergency: contact tracing: childcare.
AB-83 Alcoholic beverage control: license renewal fees: waiver.
AB-85 Budget Act of 2020.
AB-86 COVID-19 relief and school reopening, reporting, and public health requirements.

๐Ÿ”– Latest in the Series – New Laws in California 2024

New California Laws

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