Roseville, Calif. – New California laws for 2017. Our annual series follows the list of laws were chaptered in California during the 2015-2016 session.
For complete details and to learn the effective date of each law simply follow the respective link to the California State Legislature. Check back daily for the latest California’s new laws may impact you or your business.
Part 2 includes water, budget act, hazardous materials, deportations to Mexico, mental health, animal research and more.
New California Laws 2017 – Part 2
- AB-90 Federal Housing Trust Fund.
- AB-91 Budget Act of 2014.
- AB-92 Water.
- AB-93 Budget Act of 2015.
- AB-95 Transportation.
- AB-96 Animal parts and products: importation or sale of ivory and rhinoceros horn.
- AB-104 Education finance: education omnibus trailer bill.
- AB-114 Public works: building construction.
- AB-116 Budget Act of 2014: augmentation.
- AB-117 Public resources.
- AB-118 Hazardous substances: cleanup: Exide Technologies facility.
- AB-119 Public health: Medi-Cal: nursing facilities.
- AB-120 Budget Act of 2015.
- AB-139 Nonprobate transfers: revocable transfer upon death deeds.
- AB-142 Wild and scenic rivers: Mokelumne River.
- AB-143 Food facilities.
- AB-145 Public benefits reports.
- AB-146 Pupil instruction: social sciences: deportations to Mexico.
- AB-147 Postsecondary education: animal research.
- AB-149 Urban water management plans.
- AB-154 Taxation: federal conformity.
- AB-157 Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.
- AB-158 School finance: The John B. Mockler School Finance Act.
- AB-160 Criminal profiteering: counterfeit labels: sales and use taxes.
- AB-162 State highways: wrong-way driving.
- AB-163 Teaching credential: American Indian language-culture credential.
- AB-164 Claims against the state: payment.
- AB-165 State claims.
- AB-166 Department of General Services.
- AB-168 Mental health: community-based services.
- AB-169 Local government: public records: Internet.