In the interest of public safety, the Roseville Police Department is making notification of a registered sex offender who recently moved to the City of Roseville. The purpose of the release of information is to allow members of the public to protect themselves and their children from sex offenders.
Please visit the California Department of Justice’s Megan’s Law website for general information for parents and the community about preventing sexual assault.
The Roseville Police Department is holding a meeting for the community about this matter at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 22, at the Roseville Sports Center, 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd.
Sex Registrant Name: ETCHISON, Charles Michael
Aliases: Etchison, Michael
Date of birth: March 5, 1955
Race/Sex: White male
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 205
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue
Address: 7204 Marblethorpe Dr., Roseville, CA
Vehicle: White 1988 Ford Mustang, no plates currently (photo is included)
Commitment offenses: California Penal Code section 288a(b)(1), oral copulation with person under 18 years of age; California Penal Code 288a(c), oral copulation by force
Victim profile and modus operandi: Etchison was required to register as a sex offender after being convicted for forcible sexual assaults on four teenage and young adult women in San Mateo County. Etchison offered one victim a ride and then forced her at knife point to orally copulate him. He assaulted three other young women, using force and threats, in a drive-in movie theater restroom, and forced them to orally copulate him.
Mr. Etchison was released from state custody in late December 2006. At this time, the Roseville Police Department has no legal authority to direct where this sex registrant may or may not live. Mr. Etchison has already served the sentence imposed by the courts for his criminal offenses. He is not wanted at this time.
This notification is not intended to create fear, but is provided in the belief that an informed public is a safer public. Use of this knowledge by citizens to drive registrants from their homes may lead to lack of compliance with registration laws, decreasing public safety. Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registrants will not be tolerated.