Elevate Public Relations

Critical time for deepening relationships

Roseville, CA- The world is in crisis mode, with no clear idea of how long these conditions will last, or how they may change over the course of a day, week or month. What does it mean for your marketing and communications efforts? Should you stop all marketing, social media and communications to existing and prospective customers and just wait it out? No.

While it may be tempting to put your marketing efforts on hold, now is not the time to pull away. In fact, frequent and regular marketing and communication is more important than ever now. Thoughtful marketing creates an opportunity to position your organization as a brand leader and to add significant value to your core audience.

Adjust Your Messaging

Now is the time to share how your organization can help customers navigate these challenging times. Life is anything but business as usual right now and neither should your marketing and communications efforts – it’s time to adjust your messaging. The tone of your communications must be sincere and demonstrate empathy and compassion for what your audience is going through and how you can help. Steer clear of being flip or fear driven. You don’t want to add to people’s already overwhelming concerns.

Add Value

This is a critical time for deepening relationships and positioning your organization as an invaluable resource. It is not the time for a hard sell, rather it’s an opportunity to ADD MORE VALUE. Now, many in your audience have extra time on their hands and are seeking information and education on things that are important to them. Adjust your communications accordingly. Educate. Inform. Solve a problem that your customers are facing in the present time. Now is the time to give.

Messaging is More Than Words

Carefully crafting your messaging involves more than just the topics and words you choose. It also includes the images you use. When using images be sure to select those that reflect the time we are living in, one where we are primarily connected in a virtual space. Avoid images or video clips that feature groups of people or crowds and opt for photos or clips of individuals or objects that reflect your subject matter.
Careful, consistent and proactive value-added marketing today, will engage your audience, elevate your brand and enhance your relationship with your customers so that when life transitions to a more normal routine your business will be top of mind.

Elevate Public Relations & Marketing
224 Vernon Street, Suite 201
Roseville, CA 95678

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(21+ years strong)
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