Fire season is upon us in California. With the current fire danger conditions throughout Northern California, the Roseville Fire and Police Department officials are requesting the public’s assistance and extra diligence in preventing fireworks related property losses and injuries during this 4th of July season.
As a member of the Greater Sacramento Area Fireworks Task Force, a regional effort, the City of Roseville will enforce a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy again this year regarding illegal fireworks. The use of illegal fireworks is extremely dangerous. Officials will be out in the community issuing citations or making arrests when appropriate. Each year a number of individuals are cited and penalized for their illegal behavior.
In California possession of illegal fireworks is considered a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1000 or by imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year. If you are found to be in possession of a sufficient amount of illegal fireworks, you may be guilty of a felony and punished by a fine up to $5000 and/or imprisonment in a state prison or county jail. Parents may be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by their children’s use of illegal fireworks. “The Placer County District Attorney has been very supportive of the program and proactive in the prosecution of citation recipients”, says Dennis Mathisen, Division Chief/Fire Marshal. “Without their full support this enforcement effort would not have the deterrent effect it currently has. We appreciate the DA’s involvement in the program”, Mathisen continued.
Remember, any firework which is not California State Fire Marshal approved is illegal. If it goes up in the air, darts across the ground or explodes, it’s illegal. Examples of illegal fireworks include: Cherry Bombs, M-80’s, M-100’s, Firecrackers, Bottle Rockets, Roman Candles, Aerial Shells and Mortars.
If you know anyone selling or using illegal fireworks in the City of Roseville, call the Police/Fire Department Communication Center non-emergency telephone number: (916) 774-5000 (press ‘1’ to report the crime). Illegal fireworks can be turned in at the Roseville Fire Department, 401 Oak Street.
The City of Roseville encourages everyone to enjoy the 4th of July holiday safely. The Fire Department wants to urge citizens to strongly consider enjoying fireworks at public display shows, which are operated by professional pyrotechnicians in a safe manner. Fireworks of any kind can cause injuries and/or property damage. Why not sit back, relax, and leave it to the pros. /news/displaynews.asp?NewsID=1309.
If you have any questions about fireworks, legal or illegal, please feel free to call the Roseville Fire Department at (916) 774-5800.