Roseville, Calif.- Drug investigation leads to arrests: Last week detectives from Roseville Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Enforcement Team (VNET) concluded a three-month investigation into heroin sales in Roseville and the surrounding area. On August 14, detectives arrested four people suspected of gang activity organized around heroin sales, and intimidating someone who witnessed their criminal activity.
Mohammad Noor, 21, of Rocklin, George Matthew Premock, 22 of Rocklin, Dane Frederick, 23 of Granite Bay, and Justin Vincent Corsino, 24, of Roseville are being held in the Placer County Jail on suspicion of participating in a criminal street gang, witness intimidation, conspiracy and other related charges.
Roseville Police officers and detectives are concerned about an increase in heroin use and opiate addiction throughout the region. Heroin and other opiates are dangerous drugs that put their users at risk of addiction, exploitation, overdose and death. It impacts the quality of life of the entire community, as it drives addicts to steal and commit other crimes to support their habits. Anyone struggling with drug addiction should call their health care provider or Placer County’s Adult System of Care, 24 hours a day, at (888) 886-5401.
Parents concerned about their teen’s substance abuse issues should also call their health care provider, or call Roseville Police Therapist Beverly Gable at (916)774-5017 for information and referrals to community resources.