Community members welcome at groundbreaking ceremony
Roseville, Calif. – The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA), in partnership with Caltrans, the South Placer Regional Transportation Authority, the Federal Highway Administration, Placer County, and the cities of Roseville, Rocklin, and Lincoln, will begin the first phase of improvements to the Interstate 80 / Highway 65 interchange. This first phase will provide a third lane on northbound Highway 65 from Interstate 80 to Pleasant Grove Boulevard and improvements to the Galleria Boulevard / Stanford Ranch Road interchange. The first phase will bring much needed relief to motorists who have been stuck in back-up on Interstate 80.
“The population of Placer County has more than tripled since this interchange was built back in the mid-1980s, and the traffic backups create major safety issues,” said Celia McAdam, Executive Director of Placer County Transportation Planning Agency. “While this first phase will be a great asset to the community, we know it only one step towards the larger project that we still need to find additional funding sources to construct.”
The interchange needs a major upgrade and reconfiguration to accommodate the nearly 210,000 vehicles that use it daily. Such a significant undertaking will require in total about $450 million. Funding this project has been a challenge, but PCTPA and its partners garnered several sources to complete the $50 million first phase. The remaining $400 million cost will eliminate the loop ramps in favor of direct connections between State Route 65 and Interstate 80. Improvements also include maintaining the existing Interstate 80 access at Taylor Road and eliminating the weaving movements on Interstate 80 eastbound between Eureka Road and Highway 65.
“The improvements to Highway 65 from Interstate 80 through Pleasant Grove Boulevard are an important step toward relieving existing traffic and improving safety on Interstate 80. This project is a tribute to the partnership between Caltrans and local agencies in the Placer region,” says Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty.
Community members are welcomed to join PCTPA for a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, December 13 at 10:00 a.m. at Destiny Christian Church, located at 6900 Destiny Drive in Rocklin.
What: Interstate-80/Highway 65 Groundbreaking: Phase 1
Where: Destiny Christian Church, 6900 Destiny Drive, Rocklin (back parking lot)
When: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 | 10:00 a.m.