Roseville, Calif. -An increased number of residential burglaries has occurred recently in east Roseville, often in the daytime or early evening. Before at least two of the recent burglaries, a stranger was seen going from door to door in the area, ringing doorbells. When residents went to answer their doors, the stranger either walked away before the door was opened, or said he was looking for someone (as if he had the wrong address). In one incident, a resident heard her doorbell ring, but did not answer the door. A few minutes later, she heard one of her downstairs windows shatter. Nothing was taken, so it appears the suspect realized someone was at home, and fled.
Two recent incidents occurred on December 28 on Grazziani Way in east Roseville, and on December 31 on Dorrington Drive in east Roseville. In both cases, a doorbell-ringer was seen in the area shortly before the burglaries. He was described as a middle-aged Asian male, 5’8″ tall, with a medium build. He had short black hair, was clean shaven and neatly dressed. He was seen leaving the area in a dark colored sedan or coupe.
Residents are urged to:
Call 911 immediately if they notice any suspicious activity on their street, including any strangers going door to door ringing doorbells. Be ready to provide dispatchers with a description of the subjects and any vehicles they may be driving.
Lock vehicles that are parked outside, and remove all valuables, including garage door openers.
Keep garage doors closed and locked at all times. In several recent home burglaries, the burglar entered the garage through an open main garage door or unlocked garage side door, and took valuables, including wallets, checkbooks and electronics equipment out of unlocked vehicles that were parked inside the garage.
Anyone with any information about these burglaries is asked to call the Roseville Police Department at (916)774-5070, or Roseville Crime Stoppers at (916)783-STOP (783-7867). Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards for anonymous tips leading to arrest.