Roseville Fire Officials are recommending that the Roseville City Council declare all weeds, dirt, rubbish and rank growths within city limits a public nuisance with abatement costs related to private properties billed to the respective property owners.
The following is from the City Council’s Consent Calendar dated March 4, 2015.
Resolution Declaring Weeds and Rubbish a Public Nuisance Memo from Fire Inspection Supervisor Rob Arnett and Interim Fire Chief Brian Kelly recommending Council adopt Resolution No. 15-75 Of The City Of Roseville Declaring All Weeds, Dirt, Rubbish Or Rank Growths Within The City Of Roseville To Be A Public Nuisance; Ordering The Fire Chief To Give Notice Of The Passage Of This Resolution; And Setting A Time And Place For Hearing Any Objections To The Proposed Destruction Or Removal Of Such Weeds, Dirt, Rubbish, Or Rank Growths. To City Council/Housing Authority Agenda March 4, 2015 6 initiate the 2015 Weed Abatement Program, staff recommends approval of Resolution declaring weeds, rubbish, dirt, and/or rank growth within the City of Roseville to be a public nuisance, as well as ordering the Fire Chief to give notice of the passage and setting a time and place for the required public hearing. The public hearing will be scheduled for the City Council meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Each year all vacant parcels are identified and property owners are notified of their obligation to maintain adequate fire breaks as a fire protection/prevention measure. Property owners are given an opportunity to abate hazards that exist on their parcels. The City only conducts abatement activities on private parcels once the owner has failed to abate the hazard by a pre-determined date specified by the Fire Department.
Abatement costs related to private properties are billed to the respective property owners. Owners of private parcels that are abated by the City are responsible for the costs associated with providing abatement services. A bill is sent to each property owner detailing the abatement costs, as well as an administrative fee. If the property owner fails to pay the bill, the City places a lien on the subject property and the monies owed are reimbursed through the property tax collection process.
(Council Communication No. 6671 – File 0320-01)