Auburn, Calif.- The proposed Barton Ranch subdivision project in Granite Bay was approved by a 5-0 vote yesterday by the Placer County Board of Supervisors.
The board’s decision comes after county staff conducted a series of meetings with the applicant team and several nearby property owners to resolve lingering concerns over the subdivision project expressed at a March board meeting.
The applicant, working with county staff, identified minor modifications to the project to resolve those concerns and county staff presented the project revisions to the board.
Located off Barton Road, across from Rockhurst Way, the 10-acre housing project includes a mix of 10 single-family residential one- and two-story homes on lots ranging from 21,849 square feet to 34,000 square feet.
Additionally, the subdivision will include two open space areas consisting of 79,981 square feet and 24,200 square feet, and a common area with an onsite private roadway.
As recommended to the board by the Placer County Planning Commission, supervisors adopted an ordinance to rezone the project site to add a planned development designation. This designation, in combination with the already approved density of one unit per acre, provides greater flexibility to implement project designs that protect onsite resources such as streams, wetlands and oak woodlands. The proposed zoning change is consistent with the Granite Bay Community Plan and Placer County General Plan.
The board also approved a tentative subdivision map; approved a conditional use permit consistent with the Granite Bay Community Plan, Placer County General Plan and the surrounding community; and adopted a mitigated negative declaration and mitigation monitoring program.