Roseville, Calif.- At 2:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 27, River City Bank, 3992 Douglas Blvd., was robbed.
The robber was described as a white male in his 50s or 60s, 6’0″ tall with a medium build. He wore eyeglasses and a black Oakland Raiders ballcap over short salt and pepper hair. He wore a white long-sleeved dress shirt with a black tie, and blue jeans. He carried a metal clipboard with a note attached demanding money. No weapon was seen. After presenting the note to a bank employee, he took an undisclosed amount of cash and ran out of the bank toward Sierra College Boulevard.
No associated vehicle was seen. No one reported being injured during the robbery.
Anyone who recognizes this man or who has information about this crime is asked to call Roseville Crime Stoppers at (916)783-STOP. Callers may remain anonymous, and may be eligible for a cash reward.